Sunday, August 28, 2011


Over two months since my last post, and we're finally getting settled here in New York.  Now mind you, everything is NOT quite in its place yet, but we're getting there!  It's just kind of normal-messy now, or at least there's a mess that just gets shifted from room to room depending on if we have company or not!  I like to think every time it moves it gets a little smaller, though...  :-)  Anyway my husband's and son's birthdays went by without a hitch, I've gotten myself enrolled for school this year (Master's degree from Columbia Teacher's College), the KIDS' schools are nearly settled, and it's time to get back to the jewelry!

I've actually made a few things since I got here.  The most memorable one is this:

I call it The Goddess Necklace for obvious reasons.  lol  (Are they obvious?)  One thing is for sure, it took me a freakin' long time to make!

First I drew it, then I cut out and shaped each piece of silver wire, chose my beads, and laid it all out on the drawing:
and then I wrapped the wires and beads together with thinner sterling silver wire.

I must say I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out!  

I listed it on etsy here.

Speaking of etsy, here are some pendants I was admiring today:

captured pearls

Garnet Door Pendant

I am CRAZY for this artist's work!  SO creative, so organic, so... exactly what I want!  :-)  Visit the shop here.

More pics of NYC life coming soon...  Here's one in way of farewell.  The boys playing video games in our bright, comfy living room...  Lates!